Assistive Technology- Smart sensors now provide smart alerts. From Cooking to Falls

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Bruce has slipped and cannot getup. Not uncommon if weak or strained muscles limit his options.

But just what can Bruce do? This is not an uncommon situation. The answer lies with the supporting staff. but what can staff do to rectify the situation?

The common cover for this tyype of incident is a morning knock-up call to check residents wellbeing. Given the shear volume of residential care this is a best fit / can do option. If Bruce has been on the floor since last night then, problems are manifold regarding pain, temperature and well being.

Thanks to MimoCare IoT sensor technology, Mimocare has a proven solution. Smart data being collected every six minutes, clocks the routine progress of the resident. But should that stream of feedback fail, then monitoring of negative checks for several minutes triggers a fall alert to duty nurse. Ten to fifteen minutes later, help is on its way to check out the situation.

Contact us for a case history report.

john williams